Three Ways to Make Your Devices Work for YOU - Geek Lands

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Friday, February 16, 2018

Three Ways to Make Your Devices Work for YOU

Change Settings and Use Little-known Features to Show Your iPhone, Android Device, or Mac Who’s Really Boss

The default settings on our devices aren’t optimal: notifications highjack our attention, things take longer than they should, or the device itself becomes a problem to solve. “Do you have an extra charger?”

Take back control with the in-depth tips you’ll find in the three articles below.

Also, don’t miss our announcement this week, Why We Were the First Publication to Move 100% to Medium Members. In it you’ll learn how our approach ensures you get the world’s most trustworthy writing on human potential and self-improvement.

On to this week’s features.

How to Create a Zen Experience on Your Android Phone

“The vast majority of consumers use their phone exactly as it was originally configured. The problem is that this default setup, with built-in apps, non-stop notifications, and constant cries for your attention has nothing to do with productivity or happiness.” Take back control of your phone (and your attention).

Battery Life Hacks: All You Need To Know

If you could rely on your phone to last through the day, you’d be less annoyed, work better and live a little more peacefully. Here are 15 small tweaks to make that happen. Each one only takes seconds to implement, but taken together, they greatly extend your iPhone’s battery life.” Make Your iPhone Last Again.

How To Move Around Your Mac At The Speed Of Light

“For the past five years, I’ve studied not just through macOS, but macOS itself. As a result, I navigate around my laptop much faster than the average person. Today, I’d like to show you the three components of that speed: muscle memory, markers, and search.” How to Move Around Your Mac at the Speed of Light.

Three Ways to Make Your Devices Work for YOU was originally published in Better Humans on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.

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