Traditional anniversary gifts, reimagined for millennial couples - Geek Lands

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Monday, April 16, 2018

Traditional anniversary gifts, reimagined for millennial couples


Millennials aren't like everyone one else.

You do things on your own time. You leave jobs when you aren't happy. You celebrate like no generation before (do it for the 'gram!), and when the time is right, you marry whoever you want whenever you damn well please. 

Just look at the statistics. Currently, about 27 percent of millennial couples are married, compared to 36 percent of Generation Xers, 48 percent of Baby Boomers, and 65 percent of Traditionalists when they were the same age. And even though most millennials haven't walked down the aisle just yet, 86 percent say that you plan on doing so one day. Whenever that is.  Read more...

More about Anniversary, Millennials, Gift Ideas, Gift Guide, and Presents

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