21 books you need to read this spring - Geek Lands

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Monday, April 16, 2018

21 books you need to read this spring


Spring is here and that can only mean one thing: time to shake yourself out of hibernation and bust out that spring reading.

But with so many great books coming out in 2018, it can be hard to figure out just which ones you should pick up.

Don't worry though — The MashReads Podcast has got you covered.

This week on the MashReads Podcast, we are joined by Cristina Arreola, books editor at Bustle, to chat about spring reading. Join us in the episode below as we talk about the books we've read recently, the books that've been on our spring reading wishlist, the classic books we've been revisiting, and the upcoming books you need to know about. Read more...

More about Books, Spring, Mashreads, Mashreads Podcast, and Culture

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