Escaping Facebook takes more than just deleting your account - Geek Lands

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Monday, March 19, 2018

Escaping Facebook takes more than just deleting your account


So Facebook is bad, and you've decided to quit

There's just one, rather large problem: When it comes to the social media giant, quitting is not the same thing as being free. That's because over its 14 years in existence, Facebook has aggressively wormed its way into the lives of its users — both current and past. 

And the company knows way more about you than just what you've intentionally shared. 

The most prominent example of this is the so-called shadow profile. It was revealed in 2013 that the company's profiles of its users included information outside of the normal scope of a Facebook account. Things like your non-Facebook associated email or your phone number — even if you've never purposefully handed it over — are likely on the company's servers and pegged to your real-world identity.  Read more...

More about Facebook, Privacy, Mark Zuckerberg, Social Media, and Tech

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